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Parentsoften ask

You’ll find here the answers to questions we get asked the most about our lunch and snack programs. If you still can’t find an answer to your question, please contact us.

Is your food homemade?

We can proudly answer “YES!” to this question.
Forget lunch boxes filled with boring cold sandwiches! Leave it to us to prepare homemade hot lunches and snacks to fuel your children’s active minds and bodies! Our meals are made fresh daily with love by our passionate team in a fully inspected and certified facility then delivered to schools.

Do you follow any nutrition requirements?

ABSOLUTELY! Our lunch and snack programs are compliant with the nutrition standards for food and beverage sold in schools.
As a children’s catering company, we ensure that all of our lunch and snack menus are approved by a Registered Dietitian and follow school’s food guidelines, including the Ontario government’s School Food and Beverage Policy, the Day Nurseries Act (DNA), and the Canada’s Food Guide.

Do you source your ingredients locally?

YES, we go local whenever possible.
Our seasonal menus are made from fresh, local and sustainably-sourced ingredients. With about 90% of our ingredients sourced from local farmers and food producers, we pride ourselves in providing children with flavourful menus that reflect the changing seasons, taste better and offer more nutrients.
Sourcing locally grown ingredients is also our way to do our part to support the local economy and ensure we leave a much smaller environment footprint by reducing CO2 emissions through shorter travel distances.

How do I sign my child up for your school lunch program?

It’s easy as 1,2,3!

  1. Flexible
    Our school lunch and snack menus fit your kids’ tastes. You can customize the number of lunches and choose the menu items you’d like.
  2. Budget and child-friendly
    Looking for healthy and delicious school lunches for your kids that won’t make you go broke? We provide a range of nutritious meals and snacks at affordable prices that both parents and children can agree on.
  3. Order online
    First, go to our registration page and create your account. Then you can easily order and pay online.

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    Chers parents, amis, jeunes, membre de notre communauté éducative en Ontario,

    Kids Cuisine Santé, comme beaucoup d’entreprise de la restauration en général, va subir des répercussions négatives, notamment l’augmentation des couts de production dont les consommables et autres frais de livraison, à la suite de l’imposition de tarifs douaniers sur les exportations Canadiennes vers les États-Unis.

    Kids Cuisine Santé, reste résolu à poursuivre sa politique de saine alimentation en milieu scolaire afin de nous préserver tous, et surtout nos enfants des dangers de la restauration rapide et ultra-transformée.

    Kids Cuisine Santé souhaite proposer un certain nombre de mesures conservatoires visant à garder le cap de sante alimentaire et à tenir bon face à la montée des couts :

    • Réduire les pertes et gaspillage alimentaire en cuisine;
    • Réduire la distance entre les producteurs agricoles et les restaurateurs et donc promouvoir encore plus l’achat local et national
    • Faciliter les achats de gros par des groupes de restaurateurs
    • Que les parents et les conseils de parents aident à l’obtention de subventions visant a couvrir les couts de productions dont les consommables et la main d’œuvre auprès de nos services
    • Encourager le bénévolat en cuisine et cafétéria pour réduire les couts de main d’œuvre.
    • Si des parents ont des avantages dans des entreprises impactant le secteur de la restauration, svp le mettre à la disposition d’une entreprise de restauration de leur choix
    • Que le gouvernement puisse alléger le fardeau fiscal des entreprises de restauration et d’agroalimentaire.

    Merci à tous et toutes pour votre confiance et ensemble nous traverserons cette période d’incertitude tout en préservant notre plus grand bien, nos enfants!


    Chef Guy

    Press release

    Dear parents, friends,

    young people and members of our educational community in Ontario, Kids Cuisine Santé, like many food service companies in general, will be negatively impacted by the imposition of tariffs on Canadian exports to the United States, including increased production costs such as consumables and delivery charges. Kids Cuisine Santé is determined to pursue its policy of healthy eating in schools, in order to protect us all, and especially our children, from the dangers of fast food and ultraprocessed foods. Kids Cuisine Santé would like to propose a number of conservative measures aimed at staying the course of healthy eating and holding firm in the face of rising costs:

    • Reduce food loss and waste in the kitchen. • Reduce the distance between agricultural producers and restaurateurs, and thus further promote local and national purchasing.
    • Facilitate bulk purchasing by groups of restaurateurs.
    • Get parents and parent councils to help obtain subsidies to cover production costs, including consumables and labor, from our services.
    • Encourage volunteer work in the kitchen and cafeteria to reduce labor costs.
    • If parents have benefits in companies impacting the catering sector, please make them available to a catering company of their choice.
    • May the government lighten the tax burden on food service and agri-food companies. Thank you all for your confidence, and together we’ll get through these uncertain times while preserving our greatest asset – our children!

    Thank you all,

    Chef Guy